How this Started
I am Sally and I met Jesus in highschool. Ever since that moment, I have been searching for a way to live as Jesus has called us to live - a life following HIm.
This included serving at church, going on the mission field, and contemplated going into ministry full time. Time and time again, God closed those doors, leaving me to explore other ways of how I can continue to follow Him while doing what I am doing.
I hope this can be a place where we can learn, pray, and share our stories together.
We are fostering a community of learners and sharers as we, each individually, is on our own path with Jesus. We are all not perfect, but have a heart set toward Jesus. We look to grow together in seeking out God's call for us on earth. We do so with the following pillars.
We are on a lifelong learning journey and I'm happy to know that there are many who have come before and many who are walking the same paths. Let's see what they're doing.
We all have our own stories and they are POWERFUL stories. Our stories help us become solid in who we are, but also for others to learn and be inspired from.
Prayer is the foundation of our lives. Everything begins with prayer and ends with prayer. It is our way into God's heart and what He has for us.